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  成立於2006年1月11日,為我國最大的內容製作與集成商所組成的產業公會,會員包括八大、三立、中天、年代、民視、非凡、東森、緯來、TVBS、Discovery、FOX、HBO、AXN、Cartoon Network 等45家頻道家族及原民台等其他獨立頻道,代表之境內、外頻道數達290個以上,類型涵蓋新聞、兒童、戲劇、體育、綜合、電影、財經、音樂、宗教等領域。目前透過電視載具收看的市佔率,達我國家戶數的80%以上,而在手機或行動載具上,本會會員與製作公司所製播的內容與頻道,亦是主要供應來源。



  Satellite Television Broadcasting Association R.O.C (STBA), established on January 11, 2006, is the largest organization in the industry comprised of main suppliers of content production and aggregation. Our members are consisted of GTV, SET TV, CTI TV, ERA TV , FTV, USTV, ETTV, Videoland TV, TVBS, Discovery , FOX, HBO, AXN and Cartoon Networks are some of the major industry leaders amount of the 45 channel families that represent , operate and distribute more than 290 domestic and international TV channels. Genre of content includes news, kids, drama, sports, general entertaining, movies, finance, music and religion. Share of viewership is more than 80% of TV household in Taiwan Market. Organization members are also the main content providers and channel operators for cellphones and other mobile device channels.
  Members of the STBA strive to operate sustainably and innovatively. The audio-visual products of our members have been exported to Mandarin-speaking worldwide markets and won great recognition over the audiences. “Taiwan Wave ” became a trend leader in those markets . Outstanding creative elites are often recruited by international major organizations aboard, and become a great force in the audio-visual production industry in Asia.
  Through resources acquiring, competition stimulating, network co-ordination, and market practice re-organization, the STBA strives to maintain members’ relationship, regulate industry order, and protect professionalism and dignity by conducting organization discipline. STBA actively protects rights of its members' audio-visual products and aim at optimizing a fair trade practice against piracy. 
  Sustainably innovative and communication with sense are guidelines our association practice based on. And we will continue our pursuit towards an optimal win-win situation among consumers benefits, industry development, and national competence.





